Life’s been a whirlwind of busy and amazing lately, so I haven’t had the chance to join in on TTT, with That Artsy Reader Girl, since my first time back in January. But I’m back today and super pumped, especially with this prompt— Things Characters Have Said. And yes, I know you’re probably so tired of hearing about it, but I just wrapped up Book 2 of A Court of Thorns & Roses... and let me tell you, these two books are taking up permanent residence in my brain right now. Especially because there are some great lines in both books that I just can’t stop thinking about! Oh, and if you want to read my joint book review of the books, I just posted it on Sunday—check it out! Anyway, here we go!



A Court of Thorns & Roses (ACOTAR

  • “Hello, Feyre darling.” Rhysand says this to Feyre when they first meet. And at first sight, it’s just an intro, but when you find out in ACOMAF, the meaning behind those words, it just takes on a whole new feel and meaning.

  • "I love you, thorns and all." Tamlin was a good guy, and I am still waiting for his redemption arc.

  • "Don't feel bad for one moment about doing what brings you joy." Tamlin encouraging Feyre to continue to paint.

  • “There are those who seek power, and those who are given power. And there is a difference.” Tamlin says this in ACOTAR, reflecting on the nature of power and control.

  • “Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don't feel anything at all." before he left her. This is an important moment, and you won’t find out why until Book 2.

  • “I’m sorry I didn’t find a way to spare you from what happened Under the Mountain,’ Rhys said with equal quiet. ‘From dying. From wanting to die.” Rhysand to Feyre.

  • “There are different kinds of darkness. ‘There is the darkness that frightens, the darkness that soothes, the darkness that is restful. There is the darkness of lovers, and the darkness of assassins. It becomes what the bearer wishes it to be, needs it to be. It is not wholly bad or good.” Rhysand to Feyre

  • “You deserve to be loved. You deserve to be cherished. You deserve it all, Feyre.” Rhysand says this to Feyre in ACOMAF, showing his unwavering support and belief in her worth, especially during her healing process.

  • To the stars who listen—and the dreams that are answered.” Feyre says this during a significant moment of hope and connection, showing that even the feared Night Court, is actually full of dreamers who want peace.

  • “I am broken and healing, but every piece of my heart belongs to you.” Feyre says this to Rhysand in ACOMAF, expressing her vulnerability and her deepening emotional connection with him.

Credit: Foxy Art
